
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

venerdì, dicembre 22, 2006

Seasonal Revelry at its Finest 

Huzzah! Exams are finally over, and I think they all went pretty well. Even modern social theory, which I basically had to relearn in about 4 days. Sure felt good selling the textbooks for that. Goodbye, History of Sexuality! You and your cruel, deceptive title will not be missed.

Of course, there is only one way to properly celebrate the end of a semester, and that is with revelry. And thus the excuse for Christmas Party '06 was born. Complete with a grass skirt, a tambourine, Nigel's imfamous bar, and Chow Pow the karate dog, it was one friggin' awesome party. Don't let the pictures below deceive you, I only got tipsy. No, really. It's true!

Natalie and I start the night off on the right track. Once again, Nigel is a master bartender.

2 ladies?? Josh, you player.

Hahahaha. DK's hat is spectacularly jolly.

Peter salutes you!

We had a gift exchange, and one of the gifts was that rock 'em sock 'em game thing. Here we see Mike, the lucky recipient, kicking my ass.

Yeah...Ian was actually NOT drinking. So this is him when he's sober. Kind of a scary thought.

Caitlyn, me, Natalie, and Ashley, being festive.

All I can say is "wow"...

Um...this is how you can tell whether I'm drunk or not. The grass skirt is pretty much a giveaway. And, you know, the glazed look in the eye.

sabato, dicembre 09, 2006

Shiny Things!! 

The seasonal shopping has begun, classes are over, and finals are in sight. Tuesday I wrote my soc 102 (aka Gong Show 102) and handed in my anthro final paper (hello, 40% of the final mark!). Clearly tuesday night was the ideal time to get a facial. Holy crap did I ever need that.

Friday I spent all day shopping with Nigel at West Ed, which was productive in a "shiny things" sort of way. But very unproductive in a "crim final in 3 days" kind of way. But we saw puppies! So clearly, it was worth it.

Last night equalled about 5 hours of sleep, followed by reading a chapter of crim and trying to to fall over in karate. Followed by reading more crim. So tonight is a nice, quite night, and I think I'ma like it that way.

venerdì, dicembre 08, 2006


Tired of many things. Tired from lack of sleep. Tired from walking all day. Tired of studying. Tired of this semester. Tired of the same old, same old. Tired of being naive. Tired of waiting for you to change.

Tired of being tired.

martedì, dicembre 05, 2006

Well, This Explains a Lot... 

Who saw this coming? Anybody? Anybody?

sabato, dicembre 02, 2006

A Nice Dose of Hindi Music 

Aaaaaand cue stress. My first paper (redone, thank you very much, soc 212 TA) has been handed in, so at least I can move on to something else now. Still, I'm trying to have some sort of social life; last night I saw my very first Indian movie, subtitles and all. It was an action movie. And a musical. I told my friend Josh I'd call him during one of the songs, which I did...although in my haste to spread the joy I accidentally called Josh Henkleman instead. So he got a nice dose of Hindi music. Here's hoping he doesn't have caller id. Maybe he'll think my phone dialed his number itself? Yes, I like this idea...

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