
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

martedì, giugno 28, 2005

0 Sleep + BFF Underoos = Perfection 

Oh. Man. This weekend has been the most awesome weekend known to womanity. On Friday I got to see my gallies Bev and the Colleener, and Bev got to stay for a little visit before I had to shuffle myself off to work. Then after work Adam came over and we hung out til about 3:30. So on Saturday Colleener and her mams, Teresa, came round for some rip-snortin' good times. We all pretended like we hadn't made surprise birthday plans for Teresa and it was jolly good. Colleen and I spent the afternoon shoppin' it up and I got a new bathingsuit and lip gloss and such and it was ever so girly and fun. Saturday night was the surprise dinner for Teresa and they let me drive all the way to Whyte Ave. and back!!!! (Don't laugh at my major accomplishment.) Then came the party at Jessica's with about half the world's population. Including you all, so why am I telling you about it? Suffice to say, for the records, that Jessica is awesome and throws great parties. And we love her.
Saturday night Colleen and I stayed up gossiping til like 2:30 and so Sunday morn we totally slept in and totally missed Jessica's breakfast mahumbas. But I was really too tired to make myself presentable enough for that anyway.
The drive down to Calgary was superfun girl time, complete with music and chick magazines and random oddness that always ensues whenever you put the three of us together. When we got to Calgary we watched Never Been Kissed and had dinner with the Crowes and the Easthams and it was ever so much fun. Colleen and I got an early(ish) sleep that night cuz Monday we went with her dad to this creek in the mountains for ROCK CLIMBING ACTION!!!! We took about 9 billion pictures and got in some decent climbs, despite the weather. And abumdance of chipmunks. We got back in time to make superhot Greek salad for Teresa's real birthday dinner, and Colleen even let me play with the knives! But only the really tiny one. Bah!
That night we went to see Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, and it was THE BOMB. You must see it. And read the book, while you're at it. Then we had chai tea and stayed up til about 1 talking. I love sleepovers.
And then today I took the bus home, and took my first taxi ever. Go me! I got home at 4 and had to leave for work at 4:25. But now I'm home and safe and sound and ready for my next adventure: camping with Adam this weekend!!!!
i am so ready for some good, deep sleep.

giovedì, giugno 23, 2005

Summertime And The Living is Easy 

Starting to lose track of the days but I'm pretty sure it's Thursday. And June. Things have been pretty relaxed lately, what with only working 3 days a week and them being 4-hour shifts and all. Working again tonight but I have to ride my bike to work so that's annoying. Sky looks like it wants to rain on my parade. You know, if I had a parade. Which is another story entirely.
So what have I been doing lately? Good question. Even I'm not too sure about that one. I know I finished reading 1984 (very good, Big Brother wants you to read it) and started The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. It is appropriate for summer. I think I did some more scrapbooking, and a bit of rollerblading in the past few days. Oh, and I cleaned my room! Now you can see it again. Hurrah.
This weekend will be joy incarnate. The Colleener and Bev are coming in full force, and it will be complete insanity. Shopping and gossip and chick flicks, full steam ahead!!! I think I'm going back to Calgary with them on Sunday so the carride back should be just one huge girlfest. Hurrah! And Monday Colleener and I might be going rock climbing. My camera is being prepared.
The weekend of July 1 Adam invited me to go camping with him and his family at his aunt and uncle's lake. My parents are on board but I have to find someone from work to take my shifts. but if it works out, yay! Camping and swimming fun for me!!!

domenica, giugno 19, 2005

To The Batcave! 

Thursday a crazy man broke two lanterns at work and then walked away without paying for them. We wanted to chase him down but he was tall and scary and clearly keen to get out of the store before he was caught. Nice, huh? But at least that was some entertainment for Celeste and I. What am I saying? The two of us together are enough entertainment for anybody. Then after that I went bowling with Adam and his posse and I did pretty horribly but 'twas all in good fun. Then I won everything at poker, including the dealer. Now he's my slave. But not really.
Saturday it rained ALL FREAKING DAY and so nobody felt like they needed plants. Natasha, Landon, and Brett all got to stay home and all day long other people from other departments kept leaving but me and Donna, the other cashier had to stay on allllllll daaaaaaay. Was so dull. And looooooooong! But in the end we had a record time for cashout: we got out at 6:08!!!! This is unheard of, you guys.
Saturday night Adam and I were gonna go to East Side Mario's for supper but there was a bit of a wait and I was absolutely starving so we went nextdoor to this Greek place instead. It was really really good! You all must go there and get the Greek-style salmon. Then we went to see the new Batman movie and I highly recommend it. I smell a sequel!
And now it's Sunday. I slept in til about noon (eep!) and later today I'll be haning out with Adam again. I'm thinking something outside. Hurrah! For once it's sunny on my day off!

giovedì, giugno 16, 2005

Power Sweepin' 

Well then. It's been a couple days and I have time so I suppose a post is in order here. Even tho I don't particularly have much to say today.
Tuesday they called from work and gave me the day off - hurrah! I kind of needed the rest, too. But at least I spent it doing productive things - making a mixed CD for Adam's birthday, scrapbooking, and wrapping my dad's Father's Day gift. Was very relaxing, and listening to my awesome new CDs made it even better.
Yesterday at work had to be the most boring work day ever. It was just me and Celeste til 5, and even with only two of us working there wasn't enough to keep us occupied. So they sent me to sweep the front of the greenhouse and I got to use the power sweeper. Which isn't as exciting as it sounds. It gave me blisters. But one good thing about it being dead slow was that Celeste had time to make a birthday crown for Adam. Which I managed to forget to give to him.
So yesterday was his birthday and now he's 20. 20!!! Is that not old? He's more than a year older than me. I feel so young. Haha but not really.
Tonight after work it's poker with the guys and Celeste is coming too. Should be a grand old time. ("So about Thursday," eh, Celeste? Hahahahaha.) And then I work at 8:30 on Friday morning. Stupid 9 1/2 hour shifts. And then another one on Saturday!!! Yay my bosses must love me.

lunedì, giugno 13, 2005

Important Life Lessons 

Wow, been busy lately. Saturday I worked 10 hours after a 5-hour sleep. That was fun. Actually it wasn't so bad; it went by pretty quick cuz there were SO MANY FREAKIN' CUSTOMERS!!!! It was 40th anniversary madness, I tell you. The first two hours or so were retarded because they had 5 of us standing around and doing nothing, but then things picked up like crazy. Was so busy. Got so brain feeble by the end that I somehow managed to ring in somebody's order so that it came out to a negative number. After that I got off the til. Lesson learned: I can't function properly after 10 hours and that many customers. And to all customers: when we say we're closing, that is not the sign to go pick out more plants. You bastards.
Saturday night my man took me to Becca's to watch Garden State with Jessica and the Fort Folk. Poor Adam. I think he was slightly overloaded with girlishness. Well, maybe if SOME PEOPLE had decided to come (coughDanielcough), Adam wouldn't have had to be the only guy there. But it was still good to see the girls again. And I love Garden State!
Sunday I went on my first motorcycle ride with Adam. I'm now officially a bad-ass biker chick. Except I think I look kind of retarded with that helmet on. But that is not the point.
So Adam stayed for dinner and my dad might be able to get him a decent job at Dow so he doesn't have to work with tires anymore. I think my parents like him but my mom is a complete nutjob and tried to take pictures of Adam and me when we were trying to watch TV, supposedly so she can send them to all of her friends over the internet and talk about my personal life behind my back. Why is she so incapable of normalcy when it is called for most? I'm just lucky she hasn't scared Adam off yet.
Monday I went on another shopping spree and finally bought that Pier 1 chair that has been calling out to me for more than a year now. So I officiall have no willpower. Another lesson learned. Well, it was on sale! It clearly was time. Why is it that every time I go to the mall neither Tas, Jessica, or Poorna are working? What is wrong with all your schedules, people? Anyway, then Celeste came over and showed me her scrapbook (!) and grade 12 yearbook. So that was great fun. Tomorrow we are both working 1-9 so that is awesome. And now I must go because it's late and my chair needs me.

giovedì, giugno 09, 2005

Old Men With Open Shirts 

Ok. Ummmmmm yesterday my supper was half mouldy so that sucked. Been less busy at work lately but have fewer staff on hand so that's kinda uncool. Today Celeste and me were up at the til for like the whole day by ourselves because Donna was nowhere to be found and stupid customers kept picking out cartloads of plants and then deciding to buy only 3 or 4 so we had to put them back but couldn't cuz it was too busy and so it got all crowded and we didn't get out of there til like 6:20 and AHHH RUN-ON SENTENCE!
Celeste and I went out on our "date" (ha, ha) after work to Boston Pizza and then Dairy Queen and then back to my place....LMAO I'm sleep deprived and hopped up on caffeinated ice-cream. Last night was out til 2:30 and had to get up at 8 today. Saturday gonna be madness; 20$ off everything and cake cutting and radio stations coming in and book authors everywhere. Really just want that to be over.Oh frig I haven't made lunch for tomorrow yet or called Mrs. Janes cuz she called me and I'm scheduled to do 3 different things tomorrow night and all I want to do is sit.

lunedì, giugno 06, 2005

Turkeys and Salamandahs 

Ok, folks, so what's new in the Life of Lori? Work has been same old, same old lately. Friday Landon gave me a nice scare by telling me that he heard I was laid off. So after about 30 seconds of freaking out and almost crying in front of the customers, we realized that he'd gotten me mixed up with someone else. So THAT was fun. But he made it up to me later when he let me leave early. It wasn't too bad anyway, cuz that night it was dead: Brett the Young entertained us all my making a quarter box and drawing pictures in it. And misspelling my name. AGAIN.
Friday night was bowling with Adam and the rest of his posse. I got a turkey in the first game and won a free game! But then after that I sucked so I guess you can't win em all.
Saturday was 10 1/2 hours of super cool fun times. Or not so much. I shouldn't stay out til 1:30 when I have to start at 8 the next morning. But work actually went by reasonably quickly, and we found a salamander in the floor to help occupy us. Salamanders are officially the ultimate.
Saturday night was renting movies and chillaxin' with Adam and renting movies. My parents should go away more often. A hahahaha.
Sunday I slept in late and then went to Adam's for rollerblading, soccer, catch (I officially throw like a girl), and dinner with his parents. They seem like pretty cool folks to me. After that we went to see Madagascar - waaaaay better than the reviews said it would be. Go see it or you'll regret it for eternity. Or at least until it comes out on DVD.
So then today rolled around. Not much happened because it is a Monday. But after crazy madness busy weekend of fun, a little lazing around wasn't so bad. Cheerio!

giovedì, giugno 02, 2005

Asexual Reproduction Not Permitted 

Today mostly good. Relatively slow so lots of time for joking around with Box Master Celeste (aka Tomato Juice, aka Salisbury) and Bonnie the Cool. Found out Bonnie the Cool is leaving us next week. Not cool. Will miss her.
Three scruffy, creepy drunks came in to work today and called Celeste things like "honey" while she was the only one up at the till. They were creeping around for like 10 minutes. Frightening. Donna said they should have been escorted out.
At 9, when we close, 9 billion people came all at once to pay for their stuff. By that time only Donna, Celeste and I were working so it took til like 9:30 to get all those freakin' people out the door. Our very last customer insisted first that we'd counted wrong, which I don't understand because he didn't have that many plants to begin with. Then he thought that everything was a whole lot cheaper than it actually was and it was clearly well past closing time and arrrrrggg go away evil man.
So after that I was kinda tired and cranky. Called my parents for a ride home again and I think they think I'm lazy. But I don't see them stading for 8 hours and dealing with difficult customers. But I care not. I still like my job.

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