
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

mercoledì, giugno 30, 2004

Tales From Beyond The Land of The Exciting 

Ummmm...yeah. There's not a whole lot to talk about today. Yesterday was fun, what with planning and all. And lunch. Lunch was good. And the movie. Nana took me shopping but she wanted to buy me old ladyish clothes, and stuff for winter. I'm not entirely sure why. But we all love her anyway.
Hey, our IB marks come out soon. For a good laugh I'll give y'all my id, because I really don't care who knows my marks. It's IB. And I'm sure they shall prove to be amusing. Do those marks show up on our regular report cards? I know not.
Senor Cardgage is the ultimate.
Casper was making weird noises at me, so I threw the rope. He's a funny puppy.
Buster was being a lazy boy so I scratched his back and made him go all sqwunchy.
Ste, that game is increasingly addictive and probably detrimental to my health but ever-so-wonderful to play. Ty to the max.

domenica, giugno 27, 2004

Grad. Was. AWESOME. 

Hurrrrraaaaaaaaahhhh to last night. I mean, words cannot express the joyosity of it all. Even the ceremonies didn't seem so long. And all the musicians were FABULOUSNESS in itself. And the slideshow was pretty decent, because they only played our horrible grad song for a little while, and there was plenty other decent music to dilute it with. And the dancing, the insane dancing....wow. Now I can say I've done line dancing in super high heels and a gown WITHOUT TRIPPING!!! Come to think of it, I don't think anyone tripped when they were on the stage. It was good. And i wasn't even nervous! Booyahs.
But seriously, whoever thought that it would be so much fun to bobble around in a circle making a complete fool out of yourself, singing along to American Pie and having many pictures taken of you which could probably be used for blackmailous purposes???? Sigh. Lol at my efforts of trying to get my groove on. Yeah arm movements!!!! i should take up dancing lessons so that next time I can show them all my superior moves. Yeah BABY.

sabato, giugno 26, 2004

My Family Rocks 

Man alive. After two weeks of loneliness and boredom, it's really great to have so many people in the house. I mean, aside from fighting over the bathroom, which, I will admit, I am a large part of, it's truly fabby having them all. The last two suppers we spent swappin' stories of our childhoods and the stupid things we once did. I loved it. We were all laughing so very hard. For example, Nana once asked a gay man where he got his accent from. Twice, actually. Hars.
Brian even partook last night. Of course, his contribution consisted of him showing off his "knowledge" of card tricks and sarcasm. But at least we got him to laugh once or twice.
Yesterday was busy. I spent it shopping with the girls, and Nana and Aunt Sue insisted on buying me a corsage for my wrist for tomoz. They even let me pick it out, and it be pretty. And we went to Steep's and discussed life whilst drinking our drinks. Afterwards, I spent much time recieving a pedicure from Mam, giving a pedicure to Mam, and doing all my nails. So if they look crappy, it's cuz I did 'em.
Today shall be equally busy. Hair appointment at 12! Mam is threatening to photograph everything.

giovedì, giugno 24, 2004

The Extended Family Has Landed 

They all came in last night. 'Twas good times. Grandpa thinks I talk too quietly, and Nana's back hurts, but they're jolly and so I am too. Pa showed us all more pics of The Fantastic Voyage. Saving up for Italy.
Studied frantically for chem this morn. It was rather useless, but it made me feel useful, so perhaps it's uselessness was overridden by it's appearance of usefulness. Which I suppose is a usefulness in itself. Yes, I've been into the sugar. What is your point?
Back to chem. It's no wonder my brain wanders during exams. It wanders all the time for no apparent reason. Just look at this blog.
Back to chem. It was half-decent. Probably easier than I expected, but I expect I can't really remember what I expected. Ugh. Expect more posts like this over the summer. I expect it will get worse.
Back to chem. I think there was only one question that completely had me stumped. The others all seemed to have answers that I had, so hooray. Although those were probably the trick answers that look like they're right but really they are not right. In fact they are left. Hahahah I mean wrong. Or...DO I?????
Back to not chem. I peeped at my forensics final and booyah, I got 100%. However, this does not make me the biggest nerd, as two people got 45/44. It does, however, make me a nerd of half-decent proportions (not epic, as we are all so accustomed to.)
Tas just sent me 2 emails. I love you, Tas.
But then, of course, I love all of you.
Do you love me?
I think I do.

mercoledì, giugno 23, 2004

Mam and Dad are home and sanity is restored. The tyranical overlord has been ovrthrown! Well, maybe he wasn't so tyranical, and maybe I'm spelling that wrong, but...I forgot where I was going with that. In either case, Brian is officially BUSTED (in the words of Mam) because my 'rents found a beer bottle and extra miles on Pa's shiny car-which Brother Dear is not insured to drive. Mam also found photographic evidence of such events, which Brian was apparently not clever enough to dispose of properly. Really, really quite dense. So now he is their slave.
Today has been spent looking at pictures of fabulously beautiful locales. I have resolved to one day move to Italy.
Studied for chem for too many hours. I'm really not improving, you know. Tomorrow is looming ahead of me rather menacingly. You'd think I'd be more worried, considering chem is what I'm taking next year. I mean, what if I totally on bomb the diploma and don't make it into university? I hear it's competitive. And I don't have a backup plan. Oh, well. It's only my future. Plan B shall henceforth be know as the plan where I move to Italy. And possibly learn Italian.
Mes grandparents et ma tante arriverent ce soir. Ugh I totally did that wrong, didn't I? Out of French for 4 months and already I can't do futur...thing. Anyway, grandparents. They will come.

martedì, giugno 22, 2004

Captain's Log: Day Fourteen of Project Liberation
Toooooooooooooooodaaaaaaaaaaay was pretty good. English test went better than it could have, even though, genius that I am, I thought I had less time than I did as I DIDN'T READ THE INSTRUCTIONS PROPERLY. At least I didn't think I had more time that I did. Oh well.
So Ste and I enjoyed good times at Quizno's and Starbucks. And Superstore and Staples. And her bank. And the gas station. And the stupid road with the stupid island in the middle. That road needs more signs on it. Grrrrrr.
Have not studied for chem yet today. Still have many hours in which to do so.
Mam and Dad are coming in early that I thought. Good thing I noticed one little chore that I neglected to fulfill when I did. Now bathroom is sparkly!
Many pictures for me to see.

lunedì, giugno 21, 2004

Captain's Log: Day Thirteen of Project Liberation
Been living it up. Did not see Brian yesterday. Spent the day churching it up, watching movies on tv, walking some puppies, reading book (which has yet to get very interesting, mom), and utilizing le exercise bike. (Look! I spelled it right!)
Today similar. Watered plants, of both indoor and outdoor varieties. Walked puppies. Actually studied for English. Buster fell asleep with his little baby seal head in my hand and was snoring. Casper fell asleep behind the loveseat, among the dust bunnies. And they didn't keep me up till two this morning! I love them.
Wow. These are the highlights of my days. I sincerely hope summer shall not all be like this. At any rate, many things are happening over the next few days to keep me semi-occupied. Maybe I'll give myself a pedicure for grad. My nails certainly need to be overhauled.
Tomorrow they come home! No loud, drunken parties to report at this time. Hallelujah, let the good times roll.
I am not wearing light blue.

sabato, giugno 19, 2004

Captain's Log: Day Eleven of Project Liberation
Today was extra super productive. Here are all the exciting things I did:
-the laundry (washing, drying, AND folding. Ok, so maybe I didn't really wash and dry them because the machines do that for me, but you know what I mean. And if you don't then you need to get a better grasp of how said machines work. You lazy bum. And NO, I have not put clothes away yet. Sheesh!)
-watered the plants in the backyard. This was kind of a fiasco because I decided to use the hose and sprayer thinger because it would be easier, but as it turned out hose and sprayer thinger leaked and hose would not stretch sufficiently without me overhauling the system. Yes, overhauling. Plus it scared the puppies. So much for being easier. Mam's flowers are big and pretty.
-cleaned the upstairs bathroom, the dirtiest of them all (mostly because I use it so frequently. Hair products everywhere.)
-finally removed about a week's worth of newspapers from the kitchen. (It was becoming unsightly.)
-put away some dishes I washed about 2 days ago. (Well, they had to dry you know.)
-walked some dogs (mine, actually.)
-assisted in baking many many cupcakes. Which, by the way, tasted exquisite, both cooked and otherwise. Yes, cooked.
-frisbee'd it up. Is that how you spell frizbee?
Crickeys! Now Brian is saying that many people may not be coming over after all! I'ver heard that before, tho, and it's really not any kind of garauntee. (Also can't spell that word.) But I can always hope.
And now I am off for an evening filled of disaster! That sounds worse that it means; I'm going to a disaster movie. Many movies for me. So now I am going to go find a purse that is not gummy. I bid you fair, fair days. (Why don't people say such things more often? They're uncool, that's why.) Ok bye for real now because I really do have to put some pants on.

venerdì, giugno 18, 2004

Captain's Log: Day Ten of Project Liberation
Ten??? Ten.
Wrote forensics final today. Awesome fun. Office Lady (aka Rita Vixen) killed Mr. MacCarthy (aka Romeo Valentine) after a romantic picnic of cheese sandwiches and a cigarette. I screwed up the fingerprint part. Args. But yeehaw for the rest of it.
So Brother Dear called me a little bitch today because I told him that if he couldn't keep it down on Saturday night I'd have to call the police. Wishing it was Tuesday.
After sadness I read in the backyard. Sunlight does wonders for the morale. And puppies. Puppies and sunlight. Yeah.
Walked the puppies and Buster got scared by some rollerblades and children. Honestly. Girly dog. Casper wanted to eat everything, including a small dog. As usual.
Just a few more days...

mercoledì, giugno 16, 2004

Addition For Day Eight:
Ha! I got Brian to watch a chick flick! Or part of one, anyway. Humorous.
Captain's Log: Day Eight of Project Liberation
I studied for 3 hours yesterday. 3 hours!!!! Of CHEM!!!! Miraculous. Brain came home with his baldish friend and they drank my juice. Grrrrrr. They left and I studied more.
Couldn't get to sleep til after midnight last night, probably because I had slept in that morning due to wonderful spare in first. Alas, Brian returned with about 6 friends, and they stood there raving in the driveway for a few minutes. They were so loud I could actually hear what they were saying from my bedroom. Something about "&*#$!" and "that second cop..." I do not want to know.
Today there were safety goggles on the driveway. I do not want to know.
Buster decided to be absolutely insane and was barking at nothing at 3 in the morning. Brain shut him up good with a piece of his mind. Tee hee. He has such a girly bark. Buster, not Brain. Tee hee.
At any rate, my brain was officially messed up this morning, as it decided that 8am meant 7am. Consequently, I was about an hour late. No shower for me. Thankfully I was on time(ish) for picking Taser up and our diploma action.
Diploma action went well overall. On to the next!
Drinking milk out of a mug.

lunedì, giugno 14, 2004

Captain's Log: Day Six of Project Liberation
Alrighty. So thanks be to the Ste Man who kept me occupied on the yesterday so's that I didn't have to harvest up some lunch for myself. Booyah to you. And your scrapbook pages rock. And so does Moulin Rouge. But we all already knew that, didn't we? I know I did. But I totally just said that so now I'm just being repetitive. Please do not stop reading.
So now Karthik wants to come party at my house with my brother. What have I done? That kid's even younger than me. His innocence has been terminated. Hahahahahahahahahahaha.
This rain is a blessing in dusguise. Now I don't have to water the plants in the backyard. And it's giving me practice driving in unfavourable conditions. But it does make walking puppies rather messy. But why am I doing that anyway? It's one of Brian's jobs that he has failed at so very miserably. Poor puppies. So lonely.
Good note: Brian actually appologised for being a right &*$%! on Saturday night. Ok, those weren't his EXACT words, but he DID say he'd clean up his mess. And that he was sorry for the noise. I'll show YOU sorry, my boy....hahahahahaha.
Hasn't gotten so bad I've had to call the cops. Yet.

sabato, giugno 12, 2004

Captain's Log: Day Four of Project Liberation
First it must be stated that the church grad was fun. And everyone looked so pretty. And we got to dress up. And go bowling. And that crazy bowl game was awesome-we must play it again the next time we have a large group together.
That being said, my joy effectively ended the moment I got home. For reasons unknown to the sane he locked the garage door leading into the house, and after pounding on the door and fumbling around in the dark unsuccessfully with keys I eventually went around to the front door all grumbly-like. When I opened the door i found beer bottles everywhere, a tire rim in the dining room, and rather unpleasant smells emmitting from within. And no, they were not because of my dogs-they were because of my brother and his smelly, smelly friends. Shudder. So by this time I was rather pissy, and matters were not helped when Brian staggared in drunk as a dog with his drinking buddies. Thankfully they shut up after a little while and went to bed.
It is amazing how big of a mess a handful of guys can make.
There are beer bottles and cigarette butts in my backyard.
Brian says he was standing on the shed.
Come home, Mom and Dad.

giovedì, giugno 10, 2004

Captain's Log: Day Two of Project Liberation
Brother Dear has proven he's got some uses after all. He returned a video, which is good because I would have had to do it at like 11 last night if he hadn't. Also, he fed himself, and washed his hands with soap! This is worthy of commendation. Although still no sign of actually doing anything worthwhile for the house or the dogs.
Speaking of my precious puppies, they look sad and lonely-like. But I fed them and Buster actually ate all his food for once, and Casper didn't snaggle it (the absolute hog.) Too rainy for walks tho.
Badminton was fun. But now my feets are a wee bit on the sore side.
Now I know y'all's unmentionable sizes!!!! A hahahaha.
For those of you who do not understand that last statement, fear not, it's not for you. Or...IS it???? DAH DAH DAH!!!

mercoledì, giugno 09, 2004

Captain's Log: Day One of Project Liberation
Ten minutes after Mam and Dad left for the airport I noticed that Mam has hidden my jean jacket. Either that or she left it somewhere "where I would find it." Also, she stole my new deoderant. The scoundrel.
No sign of The Boy, except that the back door was successfully left unlocked when I got home. I pity his patheticosity. Except not really, because I'm generally more concerned with his appatheticosity.
The Puppies (!) are coping well. No messes for me to clean up! Bonus. However, they seem bored. I shall walk them later. Oh, and maybe feed them.
Should probably start studying for finals, but can't be bothered to. Not in the face of warm sunshine and, you know, not studying. The car is beckoning to me. Even though I have nowhere to go. It looks so lonely out there in the garage. I shall have to keep it company tonight.

martedì, giugno 08, 2004

OK, today was pretty good. Vinnish sadly remembered that we had a test on Night, but it really wasn't too bad. And now we are done Night, which saddens me because I enjoyed it so. But our spares were beautiful. Especially third, it was like a crackhead's paradise. Minus the crack, of course. But you know what I mean.
Hurrah for the school system, who is donating a spare in first for me tomoz. Booyah.
Mam was attacking the freezer with the hammer. Ice everywhere. Buster ate it. Yum.
Ste just called me a laughing cow. That character. But she fed me noodles and crumpets with jam, so I love her.
I'm in love with a thing called belief.
And Sal sucks for having so many freakin country fans. The disgusting hicks.

domenica, giugno 06, 2004

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! Jasper was glorious. I got my pics back you guys and some of them are rather on the hilarious side of amusing. And they pretty much all turned out, which is good for the YC ones and stuuuuuuuuuff. Yars!
So now i have a sunburn, which i think i sustained at the hot springs. It really is quite vibrant. And radiant of heat.
Man, when i got home last night i don't think mom even looked up. Alas, her email is more dear to her than her favourite daughter. But then again, we all know how important email can be. Squiggleface.
I wore my flip flops to church today and i didn't die! Fabulous. And none of the children, like, threw up on me or anything, which is definitely a bonus.
Forwith i must attempt to vanquish my memory, as it has forgotten pretty much everything it needs for tomorrow's DIPLOMA EXAM. I can't believe it's so soon. That means the other diplomas are soon, which means grad is soon, which means summer is soon, which means next year and it's gayness are soon. Is there to be no joy anymore? It would seem so. Also, to those of you who read THE BOOK 5 ahead of us whilst in our very presence: I can no longer trust you to even the simplest of tasks. So very disappointed.
Now back to where I was five minutes ago: about to study. I weep with dispair. But not really. The essence of Jasper is still upon me.

mercoledì, giugno 02, 2004

Today, some new pieces of news to share with you guys. Wasn't that rather redundant? I do believe 'twas. Now onwards with the news: The Ste and I were ingenious enough to spot THE BOOK 5 at the school library, so we shall be enjoying it's essence on the way to JASPER which is fast approaching on the horizon. Actually, it's kinda stationary but you know what I mean. Or...DO you???? DAH DAH DAH!!!! Come on, you all HAD to have seen that one coming. It was long overdue on this here blog.
Let us pense, what else has been noteworthy in my life lately? Not a whole lot. Last night was kinda crappy because i had a fever but it didn't last till morning so i still had to go to school. Where's the fun in that? Oh well. At least I got to chillax last night. But now my sternum hurts. There is no justice. Have I said that before? I pense que oui. Hardcore! Decentaction! And so on and so forth until the end of time. Or until the end of time as we know it, at which point these sayings of joy that we have all come to know and love will depart from us, to be replaced by something even more modern. Word.

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