
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

domenica, maggio 30, 2004

Ok, I have a small statement to express: THIS WEEKEND WAS THE ULTIMATE. Those of you who were not at YC cannot understand it's beauty. FABBITY. And the pictures...you can't even imagine how great they all turned out. Fabulous for scrapbooking. Oks, so now I'm gonna go watch un film and try to get more that 6 hours of sleep! I am on a NATURAL HIGH.

venerdì, maggio 28, 2004

Hurrahs! This post be directed at Bev the Wonderful, who has the power to make me post. Da, you have much to learn from her. Also, Da should post.
To Bev and Alison: It must be said, your artwork is truly fabby, and that is praise of the highest calibre. Go rainbow snake plate and birdcage-like structure with figure in it!
To Colleen: West Side Story was also fabbity fab fab, and it looked like so much fun prancing around at the "Gym" and stabbin folk. Ahhh, isn't love truly a beautiful thing?
To Ste: I'm glad that your glad. I'm even glad that I'm glad that your glad. Haha. Let's all be glad. That word has lost all meaning.
To Da: Post. Or do you English. I loves you man.
To Tas: Don't have too much fun whiles we're away this weekend. You must remember to prance it up. Actually, we must all remember to prance it up. Because prancing's just so darn fun.
To Loo: I did not send that...email...to you. That was the handiwork of Da, and i just happened to be an innocent bystander. And it didn't work anyway. Also, WHY ARE YOU NOT GOING TO YC????? WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU???
To me: My hair is crooked. Fix it.
To the thousands of others who read this: WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DID YOU FIND MY BLOG???

Well, now. Was that a nice bit of oddness? I pense que oui. Also, I want to take English next year and ruin my potential for getting a career. That is all. I bid you good day.

martedì, maggio 25, 2004

Today I picked up a spider with my bare kleenex. It was very brave of me, even thought it was already deceased. But it was still large enough to warrant shudders on my behalf.
I feel inspired. I think my english essay went well, tho that's probably because its over now and so all I can remember of it are the better parts of it. Good times, those parts. And Vinnish is being jolly and superiorly wise and letting me have an extension on that wonderful project. I like English again. Tomorrow we have a test! The random joy.
I think I shall write something one of these days. Like another essay, if I ever get around to it. Though it won't be the same after school lets out. Perhaps I shall put my energies to better use. Will you guys keep up your blogs when you go to far away lands? If you don't I shall disown you.
Simulated peach rings are affecting my brain. And my stomach :S. Seventeen magazine is becoming, despite the frequent appearance of brainless female celebrities on the cover, quite decent. It has articles about what it's like living in Africa, and the top 25 books you should read before you're 25. Rock on! I am inspired.
Dad just came downstairs with the computer!!! Maybe its fixed already. Which is good and bad, because it means I might have to do that wretched assignment tonight, which could hinder my social life somewhat.
I love warm days.

domenica, maggio 23, 2004

You know, you'd think I'd have learned by now. Last year, almost the exact same time of year when we had to do that retarded family representation thing in English, I saved my document on the computer. Said computer then crashed. Genius that I am, I did the same thing with my piece of crap English relationship web, and, lo and behold, the piece of crap computer conked out on me again. When will I learn to use a disk? Never, that's when. Well, I just hope Vinnish is too senile to realize this happened on Sunday, because there's no way I'm doing it all over again only to have the piece of crap computer miraculously come to life again, as it did last year. Suddenly I hate piece of crap English.

sabato, maggio 22, 2004

Right. So today was a shopping day and I purchased the cutest undies ever. They have a sea turtle on the front, and the back says "slow down." Don't ask me why. I also got some socks with turtles on them, and a pair with sexy frogs on the. It's all for you guys. Hugs to all.

venerdì, maggio 21, 2004

Oks, what be new today? Let us think. Well, it has become apparent that Ste is the DOMINATOR of badminton, and I denounce her as Chancellor of Indosia for not joining the team. I mean, you're totally fabulous and you haven't played in a year or been learning any skills recently, so there's really no excuse. Think of the fun we could have had! Think of the choir practices you could have gotten out of! Think of the exercise you could have gotten! And nobody would have been judging you. So you are therefore fiendish. And evil.
Strong Bad is getting really lax in his answering of emails. It's disgraceful. As is our grad song, which I think deserves to be burned at the stake. Along with a cowboy hat. Because those aren't cool.
My brother officially has no affiliation with us anymore. He just noticed today some shelves that have been in our basement for about two years now. He's a disgrace, too. And he smells.
Jennifer Barkman sent me her grad photo in the mail, which is queer because i was thinking of sending her mind via the net. What a crazy world we live in, eh? Adios, muchachos!
Now I want nachos. And the word tantamount to be banned from the English dictionary. It's disgraceful.

lunedì, maggio 17, 2004

Here we are again. Wow, I've been posting a lot lately. I've also noticed that the more I post, the less you guys comment. Why is that, I ask?
Today is all-around good day. Got some exersize (cannot spell that word), a haircut, hair stick action (thanks be to the Da Man for her extraordinay generosity. Booyahs!), a drive dans le car, and much, much sun. You know, if ever there was a time I could like this place, its the summer. Oh! And I'm eating grapes!!! Double score.
Peace out, my hommies. Don't be hatin'.

domenica, maggio 16, 2004

OKs, so nobody's talking on MSN and Da seems to demand many a post from the likes of me, so I shall give you my inner ramblings of today. Today is so fabbity I could cry tears of joyosity. I mean, the sun is like, shining!!!!!! And its so PRETTY out!!!!! Let this day be remebered as "Insane Happiness Day" forevermore. Now I must go bask in the outdoorsness with Buster and Casper. They really know how to live it up. I bid you inner peace.

sabato, maggio 15, 2004

So last night was fairly good times. There were many good-tasting things to eat at the badminton party, and I tried my hand (unsuccessfully) at ping-pong and (more unsuccessfully still) at pool. It was good times. And I got the Sabre Pride award for the girls again! Booyah. Basically that means I'm the only one who had no life outside of badminton, but still, it makes me happy.
And to those who did not come to the movie, it as good times. However, they totally should have put something after the credits. I mean, it was totally the kind of movie that would be perfect for that. Pshaw.
And I didn't kill anybody while driving yesterday! Although I did manage to get severely lost in New House Place. They need bigger signs up there. But at least I found my way home on the first try. Quite proud of that one.

venerdì, maggio 14, 2004

Ok gotta make this quick due to the SUPER COOL BADMINTON PARTY goin' down at 17:00 hours. Da man, that amused us greatly, but expect some retaliation. Why did you put your own stuff in my locker again? Ste and i confused re: that. Also, internet is working now so email and msn back up. That is all so ciao baby (ies).

mercoledì, maggio 12, 2004

So today has been half decent. It marks the end of my ib career, as well as my career in bio. This is a cause for celebration. And to those of you who still have many, many ib exams to go, i say a ha, a haha, a hahahhahahahaha. You fools.
And standing outside the ice cream "place" is super cool. And so are random old(ish) guys who wave at you. Booyah. And now i must go for to get some sleep because 11:03 is past my wee little bedtime.

sabato, maggio 08, 2004

One thing to say today and that is HAPPY BIRTHDAY THE STE MAN!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy it. Now i am the only minor left. Alas! Now i dois retire for the studying of the gayness that is bio.

mercoledì, maggio 05, 2004

Today: well, what can be said about today? Not a whole lot, that's for sure. English was boring. Side note: English shall now be known as "Praise Be To Amanda Time." Tantamount, my @$$. Rest of school day spent reading Night, a fabulously decent book. Y'all should read it. And today i walked home, spent about 25 minutes there, then walked back to school. This is what happens to me when i ain't got nobody to tak to. Alas for that.
Apparently, i got a badminton award last year. It's on a plaque with other people's names and it all like engraved. Even though it has the wrong year on it. That's not the point. Booyah.
Mr. Broemling is, like, plotting against me. He thinks he's so clever, with his knee-high socks and his drop shots. But i'm on to him. Oh yes, his attempt at giving me a fat lip has FAILED. Muahahahahaha. ha. ha.
Please don't ask. This is what happens when I'm left alone for too long.

martedì, maggio 04, 2004

Well then. I suppose i'll just eat lunch by myself and spend my spares staring off sadly into the silence, as no one will be around to entertain me tomorrow. How am i gonna last a month like this? I'm not, that's how.
@#%! it. Where's the chocolate?

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