
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

mercoledì, marzo 31, 2004

GUESS WHO PASSED HER DRIVER'S TEST!!!! yeah baby!!!!!!!! it was awesome. i drove home today BY MYSELF! weirdest feeling ever. hahahahahah fear me and my newfound powers! its just one step closer to world domination, i tell you. you have been warned. that is all.

martedì, marzo 30, 2004

hey all, hope ya's havin some decent times this week. i played me some badminton today and busted up my knee real nice. its a good thing it wasn't my right knee cuz i need that one for my DRIVER'S TEST TOMORROW!!!! yeah, that's right, its finally gonna happen. say a prayer for me and yourselves if you're gonna be on the streets at 1:30 tomorrow. you have been warned. that is all.

lunedì, marzo 29, 2004

I find it upsetting that the ste and the da didn't post before they left, or even say goodbye. oh well. they can keep their lethbridge. i don't want it. anyway, i've got plenty to keep me occupied while they're away. so good day to you.

venerdì, marzo 26, 2004

so i feel like posting but i have nothing to say. the house is quiet and it makes me sad.

sabato, marzo 20, 2004

YOU GUYS I GOT MY GRAD DRESSSSSSSSS!!! it be blue of the light variety, and i got some silver shoes and a wee purse to go with it. and mom let me drive to and from WEM!!!! score. i totally didn't hit anything or kill anyone, either. although i did manage to mix up my left and my right. so confusing.
da missed some good action on friday night. the movie was awesome and not too scary, and we all tied it up at gamecubin' action. and ste drove to the movie and it was FUN and we listened to coldplay and at cookies and the like. so take that.

mercoledì, marzo 10, 2004

OK you guys. brace yourselves. this is probably gonna get long and involved. here is my story of today:
i came home from school, all happy that i could get on the computer and not have to sit in a classroom bored out of my mind anymore. then me mam told me work called, so i listened to the answering machine. it was work saying "you were supposed to be here at 3:30. why aren't you?" so i kinda exploded a little, because i just called LAST NIGHT and they said i wasn't even on the schedule this week at all. note to self: kill dena. moving right along, my pissed-off-ness grew, because i was supposed to have a badminton practice today and now i can't go, or even tell them i can't go. super gayness. so i got to work and one of the first things i did was tell my boss that i quit. and she was all nice about it and everything. she said i could come back in the summer to work if i wanted to (to which i replied, "i'll keep that in mind...." vagueness is my weapon). she even gave me a hug, which was uncharacteristically nice of her, and kinda scary. i kinda wish she hadn't, too, because then i almost started crying right there at work, like in front of customers and stuff. i'm weird like that.
so anyway, to the point: i have given my two weeks notice and then i will be free from it all forever. except that i also have two other shifts this week. (one of them happens to be 9 and a half hours long. isn't there some kind of law against that? there should be.) but yeah, hurrah. i shouldn't have to be finding out my hours the day before i'm supposed to work anyway. that's cruelty to anmals.
ok, so it wasn't as long as i thot it was gonna be. i was sorta stewing for a while at work, so i guess it seemed longer in my head. but i have posted now and i declare that da, tas and bev should as well. the fiends.
ramblously yours,
ms. not 86%
(aka lo man. don't ask what that means. only the brains of ste and da can figure that one out)

lunedì, marzo 08, 2004

I took some quizzes. Here they be.

My Revolutions saviour is The Populour Fighters.
Take The Revolutionary Group Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

My Totally Evil Lord of Destruction Name is Lord of Flowers.
Take Totally Evil Lord of Destruction Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

How sad is that one?

My very British name is Chloe Walpole.
Take The Very British Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

My God-damned hippie name is Lore Brodderick.
Take The Damned Hippie Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

My good ole country name is Flossie Allen.
Take The Good Ole Country Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Actually, i kinda like this one.

My pub name is Victoria's Legs.
Take The Pub Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

This is terrible. Legs?!

My untraceable alias is Melissa Jones.
Take The Untraceable Alias Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

My dragon-ass baller is Glorious "Hand-Held Laderhosen" Yellow.
Take What your name would be if you hung out with us... today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

I really don't know what to make of this one. I mean, glorious laderhosen?

My Your crazy crack head name is: is Whitey Jones.
Take The Standing on the Street Corner smoking Crack Name GAme today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

THERE! now wasn't that worth the half an hour i spent doing that?

venerdì, marzo 05, 2004

ok, ok, i have things to say today. dear me, i hope i don't rhyme for this whole thing. no more of that. onwards....
today's news is as follows:
-alas for the tas, who cannae come on sat-a-day. that is so sad for her. but she will have good times anyway. and now we can all fit in one car.
-happy birthday to bev, who is now an Old One and i therefore dub her wise. i wish good times for the wise one.
-i made le badminton team!!!! well, pretty much any girl who showed up today made the team. but i still made it! so score on that. haha score. and ste man and sabi, there's still time to join! you just have to show up. come on you guys, don't leave me hanging. and yes, i am aware that sabi doesn't know i have a blog. that's not the point. so what is the point, you may ask? well, to that i say wouldn't YOU like to know??? bwahahahahahahahah oh let it stop. the point is you can all rant at sabi for me. so rant away, my rantlings.
-ste man, in your grad write up it says "chancellor of indonesia" instead of "chancellor of indosia." you might wanna fix that.
-me grad pics are in. they're half-decent, i suppose. y'all can see them tomoz when you come over.
so i posted. so you guys can stop complaining now, at least for a while. and don't be expecting too many new posts in the near future; my life is getting psychotically busy once again and arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrg i want to quit my job.

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