
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

domenica, novembre 30, 2003

GOOOO DAAAAAA! gj u for correctly naming the song. i'm impressed!!!

sabato, novembre 29, 2003

Hey you guys. ste, yesterday was great. LAMBERT!!!! ha ha ha. so, now i have a couple more people down for christmas gifts....lu, all i have to say is that you should have given me a list ;)................oh, the fun we could have with this.
so i'm actually going to clean my room today!!! you all should be proud of me. let's see how long it takes before it gets messy again. i'd give it a couple of hours. "i feel like i can face the day"
hey look!! i actually posted a song lyric!! have fun with that. g'day mates.

mercoledì, novembre 26, 2003

hear ye, hear ye. i shall post now for the likes of ste, who be telling me to post, the scallawag. i notice that there be a distinct lack of new posting on her blog. The scallawag.
ok, enough of that. pirate talk is too hard to maintain je pense. do you pense? i'm pensing that you do. (that goes out to you, da).
and now on to more pressing matters. haha, there's an oxymoron for you: my blog and pressing matters. but anyway, my lenses are now back in my glasses and i can see again. this afternoon was a whole lot harder than i thought it would be.
going to see colleen's play today!!!!! booyah on her for being alice. this sure beats and evening of homework.
so the math contest was kinda hard in spots, but it was a whole lot better than that wretched one last year. i am forseeing more than 23% this time!! this pleases me.
grad pics went ok. my mom thinks i look pretty with the eye make up. i think i look kinda sickly. its all good.
went driving today. kill count: zero. will work on that.
g'day all. and watch out when you're in my neighbourhood.

lunedì, novembre 24, 2003

aaaaaand we're back. man, i haven't posted much lately. i guess i'm just not full of anything to say i guess. i guess so. well, boys and girls, what would you like to hear about today? i could regail you with amusing anecdotes of my childhood, or tell you about life right now, if you like. what's that, you say? you'd like to hear a story? ok, boys and girls. how about this one?
there, now wasn't that nice? i most certainly enjoyed it. first person to tell me what it means wins. and the race is on!!!

giovedì, novembre 20, 2003

Ok, i'm gonna make this quick, but at least i'm actually posting unlike SOME people...anyway, i finally have a number for the cash register at work!!! on my five month anniversary!!!! that's really kinda sad, but i feel special now. go me!
ok, sorry ste, but there's no way my homework, my uniform stuff, AND all my swimming stuff is gonna fit in my back pack, so i'm gonna have to come home after school fist. but i'll get everthing all ready beforehand and it'll only take me like a minute to change and today i coulda got out like right at 7 except that mom was late but that's beside the point. also i left my watch at work. i applaud my efforts. ok i go now bye.

mercoledì, novembre 19, 2003

Yo yo yo evybody!! k, since SOME PEOPLE seem to think that i need to post more often, i will. but why are y'all bugging me when bev and tas haven't updated in like lightyears? i mean, come ON people. and i've been busy. but anyway, since that busyness is officially over with the handing in of my french assignment today, i am now free to post more often, at least, until the next time all the teachers feel like ganging up on us. i swear they're plotting something evil....especially baldwin...."oh, i have an appointment i simply must attend"....yeah RIGHT, we all believe that one...she's totally in cahoots with the sub...ummm where was i? oh yes. not like i have anything of any importance whatsoever to record in my little blog here, but you seem to thrive on my ramblings of stupidite (that's french without the accent, so don't tell me i spelled it wrong) so here goes.
with the coming of the snow i declare that we all need another tobogganing "per te"....or, for the canadian challenged, a "sledging outing", if you will. ha ha. and da, the answer is still a resounding NOOOOOO.

lunedì, novembre 17, 2003

hey HEY! ok, i know i haven't posted in a while so i guess i'd better do that. boy, am i TIRED. tee hee, i spent like half an hour studying at work today; it was great. and the guy i was working with was like, stop working!, cuz he was just like not working either. good times. subway cookies are good when microwaved.
ok. ok. ok. how great is this? i'm DONE my bio lab, i'm DONE studying for my exam tomorrow, and i'm DONE worrying about math cuz i already wrote that test (well, duh)!!!!!!!!!! awwww yeeeaaah!!! that's about all i have to say, except that groban's song of excellence (aka remember when it rained) is like the most beautiful song EVER and i think it may have even surpassed the scientist by coldplay.

giovedì, novembre 13, 2003

ok, there's some evil plotting going on against us here. first broemling cancels our review day...which we NEEDED because none of us seem to know what we were doing, and there's currently an ENORMOUS amount of homework due in the very near future. then baldwin hands back the test, and she took off marks for spelling names wrong, spelling organization with an s, and writing answers in any other way than word-for-word from the worksheets. i mean, come on!!!! this is "preposterous." all you bonfire people, i think it's time for a revolution. are we going to let this tyranny prevail over us? i think not! unite with me for a common cause and WE shall be the ones who prevail!!! together we shall rebel against the oppressive totalitarian dictatorship, and we shal be the victors! who's with me?? ste, i think it's time to break out the cream...

lunedì, novembre 10, 2003

YOU GUYS THAT WAS FUN!!! Well, aside from the fact that i'm so incredibly tired right now, and i have a big bruise on my hip bone from sledding, but DUUUUUDE. That was good times. So when are we gonna burn the Guy?

sabato, novembre 08, 2003

You guys, a man wearing a kercheif around his head and a cowboy hat with what i can only hope was a fake racoon tail in it came into subway and asked us to heat up his chocolate milk in the microwave. he also asked for a bathroom key. please, people, we are not a gas station.
but yay, i'm almost done my WWI french assignment! hurrah! we shall now dance around and rejoice.

venerdì, novembre 07, 2003

Hhhokay! You guys, i'm like, sitting around and its good stuff. i was thinking that i should get back to my writing, but i really don't know where to start. and ste, sorry, but i think i've decided to retire that silver rose story. t'will never be finished, i'm afraid. must move on.

mercoledì, novembre 05, 2003

yay you guys!!!!!! much thanks to da for the doing of my hair in a fanciful way..."a 3/4 french twist with a twist," as she called it. man alive. so yeah, i got to skip social today because baldwin told me to. that's never gonna happen again in another bajillion years, so i decided to savour the moment by going to the library and WORKING. i'm such a nerd.
also thanks to lu who signed my guestbook, even tho he didn't have anything meaningful to say. at least he signed it, unlike SOME people...you know who you are.
i dislike the dentists. they make pain.

martedì, novembre 04, 2003

Man you guys, the wrath of roach is truly upon us. i fear her presence! Yeah anyway it could be a while before i do another essay, cuz it takes a long time and i'm swamped right now with actual work. but if you guys give me some inspiration, we'll see what we can make of it. oh, and somebody please comment on my guestbook, i need something new to look at.

lunedì, novembre 03, 2003

Ok, ok, here by popular demand is my latest rambling, THE ESSAY.
In this time that we live, there are numerous views on the subject of "old lady." Two of the most prevailing opinions on this matter are "shut up, Amanda!" and "lovely day."
The origin of "shut up, Amanda!" is unknown. It has been in existence for several million centuries. There are many different reasons for "shut up, Amanda!" including extensive conversations about certain people, counting abbage, and the designation of Lo as "old lady." "Old lady" was born when Amanda saw the Lo a-glaring at her. Thus, a "shut up, Amanda!" was in order.
The second most prominent opinion on "old lady" belongs to Amanda, and is known as "lovely day." This view is unobserved by everyone else, as Amanda is the only one who knows what the #@*! it means. On closer inspection, "lovely day," as sung by Amanda, can sound like "lovely" or "lully day," neither of which make any sense. The bizarre habits of Amanda have led the local authorities to believe that she is criminally insane.
In conclusion, I believe that Hamlet really does love Ophelia more than Laertes does, because laertes is her brother, and that's just gross. In addition, the climate of Denmark is comparable to that of our beloved land of Indosia. Currently it is snowy. This has caused it to be cold, and yet the cafeteria lady will not let us leave, although, as she claims, she "knows we're trying to leave." Therefore, Amanda's sidestepping efforts have failed us all. Stef has flat fingers, and, as Amanda so ingeniously stated, "she fingered them all."
In conclusion (part II), although Amanda has devised a clever new way of storing her water bottle, which has even been dubbed as "hot" and "stylin'" by the Lo, she still has not provided sufficient reasoning for her "lovely day" theory. As a result, it has been banned by the Better Business Bureau as conclusively WRONG (Article 3, Paragraph 7). Therefore, "shut up, Amanda!" is now viewed as the proper and polite opinion (Camel Acts, Stef the Gypsy, 1912).

By the Lo
Edited by Da and Ste

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