
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

martedì, settembre 30, 2003

A big GJ U goes out to colleen, who guessed "Chicago-Cell Block Tango" after, like, a minute. But i gotta admit, that one was pretty easy. Anyway, upon ste's request or something, whoever wins now gets 1 (one) free hug. But alas, they're only from me and not from certain other people. Sorry you guys.
"cast your eyes on the ocean, cast your eyes on the sea, when the dark nights seem so long, please remember me..." A mite more difficult but i know that some of you out there know this one.
Hey you guys! Check out the new LOTR trailer! (You know you're cool when...) But anyway, its worth a look. "Dear stop sign. You are a stop sign and i am a cinder block. Therefore, i think we should break up." Isn't that great?
I wonder who else is reading this. Please do not be disturbed by my erradic behaviour. Also i canna spell. "I should have brought my collection of umbrellas." Sorry, it had to be said.
Fare thee well

lunedì, settembre 29, 2003

Hi all. I'M DONE MY FRENCH!!!! You guys this rocks. No more i say, NO MORE. i hafta go work on my retarded bio lab now but SOMEbody just HAD to read my blog... *cough*colleen has too much time on her hands*cough*.
Today's question is: "and then he ran into my knife. he ran into my knife ten times." kinda easy, but first one still wins. congrats goes out to ste, who guess the last one (which, by the way, was the scientist by coldplay.) enjoy
k bye

domenica, settembre 28, 2003

Arrrrrrrrrrgggggggg my mom is so "momish". I was reading my magazine, and i just happened to leave it open to a certain page, and now she's all, "lori, are you trying to give me a hint about something?" AAARRRGGG Can't i just read my magazine anymore without her freaking out? This is getting out of hand you guys.
K i'll shut up about that now to complain about my stupid bio and french homework. I'm being fangoriously devoured by mes devoirs! Sauve qui peut!
Anywho, i should be working. I should be doing a lot of things. But alas, french is calling, so now i must depart and attack it with ferocity and if THOSE DOGS DON'T SHUT UP I'M GOING TO START BREAKING THINGS!!!

sabato, settembre 27, 2003

So, this day is going to be full of homework and work work and arrrrggggggggg stupid french and bio and physics and social!!!!!!!!!! They can all die. And my brother has stolen the shower. Grrrr. I shall have to roast him again. Have at you!
You guys, my french presentation is gonna suck. Does anyone know how to say agenda in french????
K i g2g clean my room because apparently there's too much stuff in there to vacuum properly, but we all know that's just my brother's lame excuse for not having to do it. So i shall bit you all adieu for the time being.

venerdì, settembre 26, 2003

Ohhh.....kay....Yes i know that last post was odd. And yes i know i'm odd myself. And yes...i don't know what else i know i know. Wow. That's confusing man.
So i'm still waiting for someone to tell me yesterday's answer...first one wins. Da those crepes were fanciful. Delightful, i'd say. But i still think Tom Cruise is old. You know, i think Da's got a thing for guys with bumpy noses. I mean, Tom Cruise, Owen Wilson...what's next? Sorry, Da, i couldn't resist.

giovedì, settembre 25, 2003

hey you guys. you guys. 11 more days you guys.
read a fire breathing dragon? what the heck does that mean??? that was a really weird email ste. ah, well. "a pint of beer raised towards a better day." cackle. that's a good one.
i've just realized that i've never seen a real live turnip. isn't that abzzzzurd? ste, when you jump you have to try not to fall into the black abyss or else you'll lose all your stamina. children's books are fun to read because they don't use big words...unless it's strong bad's book, which uses words like fangoriously and linebacker. je ne les comprend pas.
"like the milky way...."
i think my favourite part is when they're swimming at the end cuz the music is really pretty and full of essence. Ok, today's question is: "i was just guessing at numbers and figures pulling the puzzles apart..."
Have at it.

mercoledì, settembre 24, 2003

You guys!!! This is my day. MY DAY. I don't have to work, or go to lessons, or anything! Well, i hafta do homework. And the only thing i want to do, which is play on the computer, i can't do, cus my stupid brother is on it. Oh well he's gonna get off it now cuz i said so. Take THAT, you evil thing!!!

martedì, settembre 23, 2003

Haaa!! I just found a blog called a week in the life of gus. Thot that was pretty funny. Question: what does "salient" mean? Confusion results. Hey, wasn't bio great today? Still no mention of when lab reports are due. Yeehaw. You guys, we have a major crisis on our hands. **THERE ARE ONLY 2 RED JELLY BEANS LEFT** What are we supposed to do when they run out??
I have 3 free subway cookies. The first 3 people to come to my house get one each. And to answer the unasked question, no they are not tampered with, diseased, or in any other way undesireable. They taste like good.
K, I think i did that whole french worksheet wrong. But that's ok, cuz i don' think its for marks. Guess what i'm having for supper today? Chef Boyardee!!! Nothing beats mini bites. They rock.
Hey, has anyone else noticed how pointless and random my paragraphing is? Bizarre.
The washing machine was on, but i didn't turn it on and there's no one else home. Is anyone else disturbed by this?
So in social baldwin asked to see our notes that we're supposed to have done, and which i sorta did but not really, and so i just flipped quickly through my pages and she thanked me "for all my hard work." That's good enough for me! Bless me little hobbit feet! (sorry, couldn't resist).
Vectors can DIE. And so can drawing them out on graph paper. Stupid questions.
Please recycle,
PS Please...what was it?...come to my locker for all your sexy frog and plastic utensil needs? Yeah...for those of you who don't know what i'm talking about, please ignore that last comment. It will only scar you further.

lunedì, settembre 22, 2003

Today is Monday. I thought i'd start out with something ver obvious today, so there ya go. Also, today's social class has got to have been the MOST BORING EVER. We sat and read from the text book out loud, until someone finally asked the sub if we could read individually, upon which she answered no and we read out loud some more. And we made notes from what we just read , or rather, we were supposed to be making notes, but nobody really did cuz we couldn't remember anything we read so we had to read it again. So if she asks for it tomorrow, to bad for her cuz there's no way in hell i'm doing that crap. (pardon my french)
Yeah. And i have to work today....arg. Oh, and i think i'm definitely gonna quit violin cuz there's no way i can handle that and schoolwork and my job. It's just not happening.
PS is it just me or is like everyone i know depressed???

domenica, settembre 21, 2003

Hey you guys!!!!!!!!!! I FINISHED MY PHYSICS LAB OF EVILNESS!!!!!!!! It took me like, half a day and its probably all wrong but now its done. Yeehaw!! And i just finished my physics questions too. How great is that? It's great, that's what.
So last night (instead of doing my homework-whoops :S) we rented Gattaca and it such good fun. My mom fell asleep in it tho; she totally missed like half of it. I shake my head at her. And now i discover the bev hasn't seen shrek...what's wrong with you people?!?! Society is going to the dogs, that's what.
On a saner (is that a word? i think not) note, only 17 more days till i'm 17!!!!!! Take THAT, all you old people!
Hey, i use exclaimation marks a lot, don't i? Its good stuff.
Hey....I just realized i haven't even touched my violin since my lesson last tuesday, and now i don't remember what my teacher told me to do. Ah well, i'll make something up. Its all good. My parents wanted my to drive home yesterday...from the outback steakhouse...in EDMONTON...need i say more? My mom could hardly navigate her way around in there. I shudder to think about me behind the wheel in that situation. Eek.

sabato, settembre 20, 2003

Hey y'all. Do you realize that this is the first day of freedom that i've had in a long time? I don't have to work today, or go anywhere until supper time. How great is that??? I still have to do my stupid physics lab, and my stupid bio lab (maybe), and my stupid french project (if i feel like it) which i haven't exactly started yet, but it's all good cuz i can just sit around and do all this at my leisure.
On another note, i am now in rather a large amount of pain as i have just ran into the door frame and door. Now bevi sn't the only one who's run into a glass door.
well, i think i've probably put off working long enough now, so i'd better get down to it (alas). so farewell for now.

venerdì, settembre 19, 2003

Dude!!!! Today has been fantastically worderful! In physics i screwed up my test but i realised it right away and macCarthy let me have it back so yay for me! and the mall was good times you guys, and many thanks to da for the wrap-around thingy whatever it is. and i mean, bio was totally good times (except for the spider-nasssty things) and i got to miss social! how good is that? and these jelly beans are still quite good.
so that's about all for today, folks. other than that i would like to say that the scientist and boys don't cry are excellent songs, and it should be made manditory for everyone to sing in public so then maybe i wouldn't feel so embarrassed about it. (i think i spelled that wrong. oh well)

giovedì, settembre 18, 2003

Hey y'all. Well, today has been...Thursday. This day doesn't really have much of a feeling one way or the other, except for disappointment when i found out you guys all got different answers than me on the math test, and coldness, because evidently our school has not heard of central heating, and slight panic at tomorrow's physics test. Eeek.
So, tomorrow is mom's birthday, and i'm gonna make her a card but i don't really know what to put on/in it. Suggestions are welcome.
In addition, these jelly beans rock. No, seriously. You gotta try em. You know what you also gotta do? Come visit me at work tonight. Its good fun and i can make you food.(meaning make food for you, not make you into food. but i guess you probably figured that one out on your own. if so, as da would say, gj you.)
bref, pourquoi est-ce qu'il n'y a pas un nouveau strong bad email? ca c'est garbage (sorry i don't know the word for that and i'm too lazy to look it up.)
au revoir,

mercoledì, settembre 17, 2003

Hey all. Not too much to be said today. Very little homework, which is good. Have to work tonight, which is either good or bad, depending on my mood. In social today we discussed the marriage of people to turkeys, how Britain is not part of Europe, and how Hitler would have taken over the world if he had won the war. Oh, and some girl pronounced "synagogues" as snagologues" or something like that. It was funny.
You guys, i'm so bored and lonely right now. We need some diversion action going on. Or maybe i need a change of scenery. I think i'll move somewhere fancy and live there a while. Like italy. Good times all round.
Stupid physics garbage lab. Da, i think we should def use your answers from last year. I wish we were all one big class again. I miss you, Ste and Tas. You know what i really hate? When my mom reads what i'm typing over my shoulder. Stop it mom.
So my parents were trying to get me to talk yesterday at supper but i really wasn't in the mood, so even though i knew the answers i just kept saying "i don't know" or "i forget." You think they'd take the hint, but noooooo. Let's just ask Lo more questions until she explodes with annoyance. Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggg. Man, I'm one messed up kid.

martedì, settembre 16, 2003

K guys...not good. See, i didn't want to drive but my mom made me...and it was busy...and i got distracted...and i forgot which pedal my foot was on...and perhaps if it had been on the brake it would have turned out better...so now my parents are mad at me for driving into that thing...and now i mad at myself...and now i don't ever want to drive again because i'm horrible at it and a menace to society.
Its not fair. Look, just because a person decides to move on doesn't mean that all the feelings that this person once had for that other person just automatically stop. So if you guys feel like making the transition easier, let's not talk about it anymore, ok? Ok.
Hey hey! So this is turning into a pretty good day. I have almost no homework, its fantastical (not like you all care (all two of you, and i'm being optimistic). Hey, can you have 2 parentheses like that? or do i need some square bracket action? je ne sais pas.)
moving right along....yeah, so i have violin today. seriously, though, you guys, i don't think these lessons are gonna last much longer. i just can't find the time, and when i can i'm too exhausted to practice. arg. but yeah. why don't they have a new strong bad email up yet? stupid piece of garbage. well, actually its not, but my life revolves around these simple pleasures, you see. on a lighter note, i ifnally figured out my math. dude. hey, does someone want to explain to me how i just got an email from da when she's not even logged on? you don't think...she hasn't...she wouldn't...block me, would she? gasp! i feel so...so rejected! yeah whatever.
a big hug goes out to ste, for her worrying about us all dying some horrible and painful death (see her blog, this'll make more sense). ya know we luv ya ste. just remember...tomorrow is a day 2...;)
now that i've rambled for a jolly good long while, i declare that...um...ok, i really don't have much to declare, except maybe I HATE MATH, or i need to find a new guy. but other than that, hurrah for tomorrow, which is a bio day. (i wonder why people yawn? i like oxygen! and some more odd comments from the hidden depths of ste's brain.) ahhhh, ya gotta admit that was pretty funny. (shakes head and smiles wistfully (is wistfully the right word? (and here we go again with the brackets. and so it goes.))).
Alright! that's enough already!

lunedì, settembre 15, 2003

Dude! Thanks to Jeanne-Marie for her oh-so-logical input about stress eating me alive.
In other news, bio was super fun today except that we kept screwing up the pipettes but that's ok cuz it was still fun anyway.
In other other news, i declare that we have altogether far too much homework to keep me anywhere remotely near sanity (not like that wasn't a lost cause anyway.) aaaannnywho, i should probably be working and trying to understand my *%@#! math garbage. wouldn't it just be so much easier to drop out and spare myself the frustration and feeling of inferiority? not like i ever could drop out...i guess i'm destined to be a dropout wannabe. alas.
please recycle,

domenica, settembre 14, 2003

RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG the stress is eating me alive!!! but seriously folks, stress can't ACTUALLY do that to a person, but if it could then that would be my predicament right now. (big word-go me!!) man alive, at this rate i'm gonna have to drop violin lessons. make the madness stop!!!
-please recycle,

sabato, settembre 13, 2003

Hey hey you guys!!! I HAVE 4 PEOPLE ON MY GUESTBOOK NOW!!!! How cool is that. (by the way, da, i loved your spelling and attempts at french-ness. why you ever dropped out remains a mystery to me.) and bev, you have to tell me how to get all those emoticons. they rock. and ste, you have to tell me how to delete guestbook entries cuz i want that stupid first one to go away. yeah.
so i'm working today, a lovely 8-hour shift. doesn't that sound like fun? uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggg. oh well, maybe some "boy chicks" will come in. ;) we can always hope.
looking forward to tomorrow you guys!!! it'll be such good times and all. other than that, not too much is going on right now, and for that i'm kinda glad. Buckles the Giant P.F.D. was good times, by the way. They took pictures.
Please recycle,

venerdì, settembre 12, 2003

K there has been a major revelation in my life you guys: Ricardo is over. (I know most of you already know this cuz ste is about the only person who reads this, but meh.) so now i'm officially unaffiliated. dude.
in addition, i would like to express my delight in these jelly beans i'm eating. they are excellent. oh, and by the way, please disregard my non-use of capitalization. capitalization is for school work. and people who care about capitalization.
in conclusion, i can't say "organization" in french. i've tried. numerous times. it just doesn't work.
please recycle,
ps-i need a spellchecker

giovedì, settembre 11, 2003

YOU GUYS!!! CHECK IT OUT!!! I'VE GOT A GUESTBOOK!!!! How cool is that?!?! Now i just have to make it pretty and we're set! I feel so computer literate.

mercoledì, settembre 10, 2003

Hey i'm checking something. Maybe the links will work now!
Good morning, class! (Actually, its afternoon, and has been for quite some time now. And then there's the whole part about you not being a class, but all that aside, good morning to you!) Hey i've got a very important and life altering question you guys: WHY DOESN'T THE NAIL POLISH BRUSH REACH THE BOTTOM OF THE BOTTLE?!?!?! I mean what genius thought that one up, anyway? We should sue. Or maybe we should market a new design and make our millions that way. Either on is good, i think. Then we can send Ste to scotland and buy her a superGus and never have to hear about it again. And Da can go back into IB w/ us and bribe all the teachers and get 100% on everything. And Tas can buy as many Craig David posters as money can buy. And as for me...well, maybe i can buy a really nice dress for my grad w/ Ricardo (like THAT will ever happen.) ....
Oh, sorry. Must have drifted off there. These daydreams, you know. But i still think that we should sue.

martedì, settembre 09, 2003

Hey hey! Wow i haven't written anything in like a bajillion years you guys. Sorry bout that but i've been busy, and then there was the whole thing with forgetting how to update it and all. Yeah. So no i am writing in me blog (yes, i meant to say me. deal with it.) upon the request of some people. Hey you guys i need some stuff to write about. If you haven't seen the new strong bad email yet, you'd better see it cuz it's HILARIOUS. "Education at its finest," indeed. And stef, we all know you're obsessed with gus but that doesn't mean ya hafta talk about him every 3 seconds!!!! Man you guys this blog sucks. Ste you gotta teach me how to do all that fancy stuff. Anyway, i really should go practice now...not that 15 minutes of practicing is gonna help me now, my lesson's at 5:30. but eve if i get off, i won't practice right away anyway cuz i mean what's with that? but the oc is on tonight! you guys.
Please recycle,
(ps-please don't recycle lori. just recycle recyclable materials in general. thatnk you)
(pps-have i said this before? deja vu you guys.)

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